This Week's Sermon

Regular Service Times 
9:00 a.m. 1st Service
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
 11:15 a.m. 2nd Service and Jr. Church
A nursery is available during all services.
Second Service will be live-streamed here and at

Because we want to continue to be cautious, we have the following guidelines and encouragements:

* We encourage everyone to be wise. If you are sick in any way or have a fever, we ask that you not attend.   You can continue to watch the second service which will be streamed on Facebook First Baptist Church of Douglas WY and on this website at 11:15 each Sunday Morning.
* There will be hand sanitizer stations located at various places in the church. 
* The offering plates will not be passed. You will be able to give by dropping your financial gift into
   designated boxes located in the church and at the office or online by clicking the GIVE link above.

In Him,

Pastor Bill    

If you would like to share a question with our pastors and then meet them for lunch every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month to discuss your question, please use the Ask the Pastors button below.


Ask the Pastors FBC Live Streaming
We are so glad you dropped by!

First Baptist Church exists to glorify God by rescuing the lost and transforming them into mature Christ Followers.

Rescue Transform Mature