The Life of Jesus


Week One
Genealogy - Every Life has Meaning

Week 2
Mary - Nothing is Impossible with God

Week 3
Shepherds - Let Us Go

Week 4
Wisemen - The Star

Week 5
Early Life - Is Your Life Worship?

Week 6
Early Ministry - It is Written

Week 7
Nicodemus - Understanding One Another

Week 8
Samaritan Woman - Respond Well

Week 9
Sermon on the Mount - Salvation

Week 10
Centurion - Unworthiness

Week 11
Bread of Life - Physical & Spiritual Healing

Week 12
The Light of the World - Display It

Week 13
Lazarus - I am the Resurrection

Week 14
Triumphal Entry- Why and Who

Week 15
Passover - Servanthood

Week 16
Gethsemane - Promises

Week 17
Crucifixion - For Your Sins